What is cloud computing? Why does it matter?


Cloud computing is a model for delivering on-demand computing resources over the internet, such as servers, storage, databases, software, and networking, without requiring users to maintain the infrastructure or manage the underlying technology.

Cloud computing is a model for delivering on-demand computing resources over the internet, such as servers, storage, databases, software, and networking, without requiring users to maintain the infrastructure or manage the underlying technology. In other words, instead of owning and operating their computing infrastructure, individuals and organizations can access computing resources provided by cloud service providers on a pay-per-use basis, similar to a utility model.

There are several types of cloud services, including Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). SaaS provides users access to software applications hosted by the provider, while PaaS provides a platform for users to develop and deploy their applications. IaaS provides virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking.

Cloud computing matters to business because it offers several benefits to users, including:

Cost savings: Cloud computing eliminates the need for organizations to invest in and maintain their computing infrastructure, which can be costly. Instead, they can pay for the resources they use on a pay-per-use basis.

Scalability and flexibility: Cloud computing allows users to quickly and easily scale up or down their computing resources based on their changing needs.

Accessibility: Cloud computing enables users to access their computing resources from anywhere with an internet connection, making collaborating and working remotely easier.

Reliability: Cloud service providers typically offer high levels of reliability and uptime, as they have redundant systems and backup mechanisms in place.

Security: Cloud service providers typically have robust security measures in place to protect their users’ data, and they often provide users with tools to secure their applications and data.

Users have a better experience, and businesses gain access to IT tools that are faster, cheaper, and more scalable in the Cloud. In SaaS Clouds, there is a positive feedback loop between software applications and software developers: developers can speed up software improvements by having real-time access to usage and performance statistics. Users receive the most recent software updates as soon as they are available without spending more or dealing with spending more or dealing with complicated downloads.

The conventional on-premise program license and support paradigm is vastly outclassed by the connectivity between both the user and the SaaS provider. For the market for business application software, this connectivity is a game-changer.

Big themes in cloud computing:

Lifecycle of a cloud

Industries have moved past the early adopter stage and into the mainstream acceptance stage of the cloud lifecycle. Even the most traditional sectors, like the financial services industry, are now seeing some adoption of cloud technology.

Cloud-native companies

Many software providers are being compelled to switch from the expensive, one-time license model of the licensed software to the Cloud subscription model, where they charge a lower monthly fee.

Numerous “Cloud native” businesses may appear in the next era of the Cloud. These companies could build their software, especially for cloud delivery in the cloud. They’ll probably use cutting-edge Cloud technologies like serverless design and containers. Additionally, they are spared the difficulty of converting their current License and Support client base to cloud-adapted legacy apps.

IT systems are in danger.

Corporate IT spending can be managed more effectively, more cheaply, and with greater flexibility thanks to cloud computing. For the majority of CEOs, this makes it a very alluring prospect. Many conventional IT services companies are seriously threatened as more companies rent IT infrastructure, platforms, and software from the Cloud rather than purchasing their own internal IT equipment.

Hybrid cloud

Large organizations are increasingly choosing hybrid cloud as their deployment strategy of choice. Any mix of interconnected Clouds, whether they are public, private, or community Clouds, is referred to as a hybrid cloud.

The need to link two or more different Clouds within an organization grows inexorably as cloud computing technology develops and the number of cloud deployments rises.

Hybrid Clouds may become the usual as a result of the increasing interconnectedness of everything in the Cloud, as well as open standards, interoperability, and distributed applications.

Open source

Large software ecosystems are being compelled to incorporate an increasing amount of open-source software into their cloud products as a result of open-source corporations migrating to the cloud.

Cloud computing and open-source software benefit significantly from the shared technology, agility, interoperability, customization, cooperation, and community support; however, proprietary software installed on-site does not benefit as much from these concepts.

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